Question: When should the charges for articles be paid?
Answer: After submitting the article and announcing the acceptance of the article by the conference, the relevant fee must be paid from the registration completion section. There is no charge for submitting an article.
Question: Are the articles written in English?
Answer: Full scientific articles will be accepted in both English and Farsi languages, and short scientific-industrial articles will be accepted only in the Persian language.
Question: How many articles is each author allowed to submit to this conference?
Answer: Maximum 10 articles.
Question: Is it possible to participate in the conference without an article?
Answer: Yes, Researchers interested in the fields related to the conference can attend the meeting as participants without an article. For more information, refer to the registration guide and registration fee.
Question: Does the article submitted have to relate only to one of the conference topics?
Answer: No, your article can be related to one or more conference topics.
Question: What is the difference between a short scientific-industrial article and a regular full article?
Answer: The short scientific-industrial article is 2 to a maximum of 3 pages with about 2000 words, which is sent only by the industry and expresses the successful experiences of the industry experts to introduce the challenges, shortcomings, and also the implemented solutions to improve them. The content of these articles, unlike regular scientific articles, does not need to review past works, modeling, and simulation calculations.
Question: How is the process of reviewing a short scientific-industrial article and its presentation?
Answer: Short scientific-industrial articles are similar to regular articles, but they are reviewed with industrial application criteria, and selected articles will be accepted for publication in conference proceedings and presentations. At the end of the conference, the best 3 full scientific articles and the best 3 short scientific-industrial articles will be honored.