Guidelines for Paper Submission

The submission of papers will start on 15th October. Papers submitted before the scheduled date will not be processed.

Important Notice:

  1. In this conference, there are generally two types of papers accepted.

    a. Full scientific papers written by students, faculty members, and university and industrial researchers, following the conventional format of full scientific papers.

    b. Short scientific-industrial papers, which are only written by industrial activists.

  2. Papers will be presented in the language they are written in.
  3. The page limit for full scientific papers in Persian and English is a maximum of 7 pages.
  4. The page limit for short scientific-industrial papers is a maximum of 3 pages, and these papers are only in Persian.
  5. The structure of the paper should follow the format provided on the conference website, and a sample paper is attached below.


Full Paper - Persian Template 

Full Paper - English Template

Short Scientific-Industrial Paper - Template


Ethical Commitment of Paper Submission:

The authors of this conference's papers emphasize the necessity of adhering to the ethical commitment, including:

  • Submitting another paper entirely or with minor changes under one's own name
  • Submitting content or contents from another research document without referencing
  • Changing the appearance, structure, and key phrases and combining them in a way that it seems like the idea belongs to the submitter
  • Using figures, tables, maps, laboratory data, results, device instructions, or databases published without obtaining permission from the publishing scientific organization
  • Submitting a published paper or part of it in another language

    Not violating the rights of colleagues who have contributed to the scientific work:

  • Not mentioning the name of the supervisor, advisor, student, or individuals who have scientifically contributed to the paper
  • Submitting a paper with the names of those who have not contributed scientifically to the paper without their coordination
  • Not mentioning the names of those who have contributed scientifically to the paper

    Not misusing previously presented scientific works:

  • Sending a paper presented at a scientific conference for re-submission to another scientific conference
  • Sending the same paper simultaneously to two or more scientific conferences
  • Submitting a published paper (or even part of it) in another language for another scientific journal or conference
  • Using the author's own sentences, methods, tables, diagrams, and results published in another paper (unless for comparison with new results(